It is not appropriate for America to act like this. What do I mean. In spring this year the court of Los Angeles allowed to deport Hamping Sasunian, member of a terrorist organization ASALA, to Armenia. ASALA fighter became infamous in 1982, when on 28 January with an accomplice Krikor Salibakilled Turkey’s Consul General Kemal Arikan, who worked in Los Angeles.
Terrorist Sasunian was sentenced to life imprisonment fort his crime (his accomplice escaped, but was killed in the same year during military clashes in Lebanon). However large and influential Armenian diaspora in California started sending requests for pardon to Los Angeles courts. So far Californian governors used to appeal all attempts to free the terrorist who killed a diplomat.
In 2021 the governor of California unexpectedly stated that he would not appeal the court ruling to provide an opportunity for the terrorist to return to Armenia. Why has US law enforcement and US politicians become graceful to the killer in 2021? It is easy to explain: while relations between Washington and Ankara were friendly, while Turkey and the US agreed, Sasunian was imprisoned in one of the prisons in California. When relations between Turks and Americans worsened, America started shuffle – subtly took revenge against Turks by releasing a terrorist. This explanation is logical.
However such double faced policy of the US law enforcement is leading to a dead end. If Americans start applying punishment according to a principle ‘our friend or our enemy’, it means, it is not justice anymore. Then the countries, who are hostile to America, are also allowed to do so. For example, from now on official Ankara can criticize America who allegedly illegally persecute Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, who revealed American secrets. If America allowed ASALA terrorist to return to Armenia and enjoy freedom there, it means that Ankara and Istanbul have at least a moral rights to shout ‘Hands off of Snowden and Assange’. If terrorists, who harmed America, try to hide in Turkey, Turkey would be right to give pardons to left and right to murderers of American citizens?
Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey. EPA – ELTA photo.
The international community frequently expresses its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and its determination to fight terrorism. This is an appropriate attitude, as terrorism remains a major threat to the common security, well-being, values and prospects for a brighter future of all humanity.
The phenomenon of terrorism has undergone a transformation in recent years. In the process, as the aims and means of terrorist organizations have expanded, their actions have taken on new dimensions. Terrorist organizations are trying to adapt themselves to social, economic and technological developments and a rapidly evolving international environment. Some of the terrorist groups are not clearly visible and are hidden behind a slyly designed propaganda tool. This case also requires a review of our global counter-terrorism strategy. The effective fight against terrorism requires a comprehensive perception and awareness on the next generation terrorist organizations, as well as a new perspective and a strong political will that the international community should demonstrate in this direction.
It is time to break down stereotypes by reviewing our established assumptions in the face of the new threat of terrorism. A new type of terrorist organization, namely the Fetullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO) and Turkey’s struggle against it are a striking example in this regard.
Turkey faced a brutal coup attempt by FETO on 15 July 2016. FETO, a secret terrorist organization that infiltrated state bodies, attempted to destroy democracy and overthrow the democratically elected government by force. On that black night, as a result of the terrorist acts of FETO 251 of our citizens were killed and more than 2,000 citizens injured. State institutions, especially our Parliament and the Presidency, where the free will of the nation is embodied, were assaulted by heavy weaponry including attacks by tanks, military aircraft and helicopters.
How could FETO members be so cruel to the Turkish nation that night? How did they become so hostile to the elected government and the legitimate constitutional order? Our answers to these questions may contain clues about the emergence and structure of this very dangerous group that is active in an effective manner in a number of countries.
Members of this insidious organization were subjected to ideological indoctrination and brainwashing in Turkey and various other countries through the abuse of the most sacred national and spiritual values, mostly in so-called educational institutions in the form of schools, language centers or dormitories. Their worldviews have also been shaped on a myth of fabricated wisdom built around the ringleader Fethullah Gulen, who has been declared the so-called ‘imam of the universe’. The distorted hierarchy within FETO obliges his orders to be seen as absolute facts and cannot be questioned even if they are contrary to democratic values and human rights. FETO brainwashed young people to such an extent that they eventually became alienated to their friends, even their families, in order to secure their full obedience. FETO coup plotters, like remote-controlled robots, did not hesitate to point guns at their colleagues and comrades in arms to slaughter them on the night of July 15, once they received FETO’s instructions.
FETO affiliated individuals are also able to hide by taking on different identities in the society in which they live. The organization has specifically targeted the civil, military and security bureaucracy. The ultimate goal of all this is to take over the institutions of the state.
Turkey’s experience before the coup attempt is full of examples of illegal methods that the FETO can resort to in order to advance its agenda. These include blackmailing politicians and bureaucrats, resorting to large-scale systematic deceptions in central examinations to place their members in state institutions, manipulation, making fictitious claims to initiate judicial proceedings against their opponents, and taking advantage of the media, business, school and NGO networks they own for this purpose.
The first target of the FETO is obviously the Republic of Turkey. For this reason, they are engaged in a systematic black propaganda activity aimed at directing international public opinion against Turkey. However, I would like to share the following friendly advice: it would be a grave misconception to think that FETO is only a threat to Turkey. There is no doubt that the legal investigations to be launched in the countries where FETO has placed itself will expose many illegal activities ranging from financial corruption to fraud in visa and asylum applications. It’s high time that these countries take this step.
Contrary to what its members assert, FETO is not a party to a political conflict in Turkey, but a bloody terrorist and criminal network. All political parties represented in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, ruling or opposition, also consider FETO a terrorist and criminal network.
My message is clear. We have to act together and with the same determination against all terrorist organizations, regardless of their forms, including FETO. No compromise can be made to those who commit acts of terrorism. As in the case of FETO, we must defend democracy and freedoms, taking into account the hidden face of terrorism. We owe it to our citizens, to the victims of terrorism and to future generations.
Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey
Gabrielius Landsbergis. Foto by Dainiaus Labutis (ELTA)
Gintaras Visockas
Now, after the visit of the Lithuanian Minister G. Landsbergis to the South Caucasus, several cautious observations can be made. Undoubtedly, the visit was important. As many as three countries were visited: Armenia, Sakartvelo (Georgia) and Azerbaijan. No mistakes? The following information was published on the official website of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: „Minister G.Landsbergis: we believe that Armenia will remain on the path of democratic reforms”, „Lithuanian grove” inaugurated in Armenia”, „Minister G.Landsbergis: I call all Sakatrvelo political forces to focus on reforms” and „Minister G.Landsbergis: Lithuania is interested in closer relations between the EU and Azerbaijan”.
All the intentions are solid, hopeful, meaningful, commendable. Not the slightest reproach. Who could be outraged by calls to remain democratic, to implement reforms, to work more seriously with Europe?
There is only one suspicion – why the Lithuanian Minister’s trips to the South Caucasus were organized at the end of April – at a time when Armenia is commemorating the tragic events of 1915? There are suspicions that in such a subtle manner, official Vilnius has expressed special support for Armenia and at the same time hoped not to irritate Turkey, the NATO ally. But no matter how you will try to hide a stitching awl, it will come out of the bag. At the end of April Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mantas Adomėnas paid an official visit to Yerevan. He came to Yerevan not to rest. The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania states: „Deputy Minister M.Adomėnas participated in the commemoration of the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide”. There are many photos in the public space showing how Deputy Minister M.Adomėnas puts a wreath at the monument. Let us also remember that G. Landsbergis’ visit to the South Caucasus started from Armenia, that G. Landsbergis started to plant a „Lithuanian grove” in the Lori region of Armenia – and we will have a detailed picture of the most important Lithuanian accents.
Mantas Adomėnas. Foto by Dainius Labutis (ELTA)
Of course, one can also remember that at the end of April, even the new US President Joe Biden named the tragic events of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire as an „Armenian genocide”. Lithuania is just stepping on the path of its ally America. As if it has no other choice.
And yet the truth should be the most important, even more important than the political intrigues. Lithuania is small, weak. Unlike the big, powerful countries, it does not have the privilege of doing wrong – to suppress the truth in the name of political interests. If we do not seek truth and justice everywhere and always, we will not be able to demand truth and justice from others if we get into trouble ourselves.
And the truth is this: „Neither the President of the United States, nor the American Congress, nor Yerevan have a legal basis for calling 1915 a genocide.” These are not my words. This is according to Bruce Fein, an expert on US constitutional and international law, former adviser to US President Ronald Reagan. publishes the Lithuanian translation of an interviewof this US lawyer given to one American television.
„Neither the US President, nor the American Congress, nor Yerevan have a legal basis to call 1915 genocide”
Bruce Fein, a lawyer who specializes in constitutional and international law, is being interviewed.
Although the U.S. Congress already recognizes the events of 1915 as a genocide, why is it important that President Joe Biden also made that public? Will there be any legal consequences?
Bruce Fein, former legal adviser to US President Ronald Reagan
No, it has no legal significance. This is a political statement. Biden, the Congress, and Armenians have no legal basis for calling 1915 a genocide. Article 9 of the Genocide Convention, which entered into force in 1951, 70 years ago, states that any dispute concerning the existence of a genocide must be referred to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. For 70 years Armenians have had the opportunity to bring their charges to the Hague tribunal – an organization that is not politicized and does not accept political gifts. 70 years of silence on the Armenian side. Legally there is no basis for such a case, they used political gifts and political power to obtain political statements. I have no doubt that Mr. Biden did not really undertake any serious legal investigation into what the Genocide Convention means, what elements include a case of a genocide, and what happened in 1915. Has he ever read a decision of the European Court of Human Rights stating that the Armenian genocide was never confirmed, that the events of 1915 were never anywhere confirmed as genocide.
I think it would have been wise for Mr. Biden to call on Armenia to exercise its right to the Article 9. The International Court of Justice has waited for 70 years for Armenia to go to court with its arguments. Unfortunately, we know that politicians are motivated by political motives, but they are not motivated to find out historical facts. This, unfortunately, is a constant politicization that will move this matter away from decision. Genocide is named as the most heinous crime, so why does official Yerevan not hand over the material it has to the International Court of Justice? 70 years is a long enough time to make your own claims. Another matter that is no less important, Justin McCarthy has asked Armenia: why do you keep your archives closed? If you have a case that requires archives for evidence, why do you keep it closed? Biden’s obvious hypocrisy is also obvious when he says there is a case of genocide on the one hand, but on the other hand, Armenia and Turkey should meet and resolve the disagreements. But he has already settled the case before they meet! He has already said he is on the Armenian side. Why should Armenia give away what Biden has already given her?
You have written several articles on this topic. What is your personal opinion on the 1915 events?
Firstly, I believe that we cannot fully apply the elements of genocide described in the Genocide Convention to the actions that took place before the Convention was formulated. Even the term genocide did not appear in the common language until 1943. Thus, the law on genocide cannot be applied retroactively to 1915.
Secondly, it is also impossible to prove that the Turkish state at that time wanted to destroy part or all the Armenians because they were the Armenians. Let us take advantage of the Armenian statements they made at the Paris Peace Conference on 26 February 1919. There the Armenians kept repeating: in the wake of the war the sultan offered us the autonomy in exchange for a loyalty; we rejected it, we became fighters and enemies of Turkey. These Armenians were Ottoman citizens, so basically, they have chosen betrayal. They described themselves at the Paris Peace Conference as fighters. They stated at the conference that the number of perished Ottoman Turks equaled to the number of perished Ottoman Armenians. War is hell – our famous General William Tecumseh Sherman said. This was not the case with Jews and the Holocaust. No Nazi died in Auschwitz. Here, however, both sides suffered a terrible war. I believe there is a great resemblance to our own civil war against the confederate states of America. The southern states wanted to separate, although they did not have that right. They shelled Fort Sumter. A terrible civil war started. Hundreds of thousands were killed, but no one offered to name it genocide. They pursued the political goal – independence. The war broke out and the South lost. Southerners were immediately accused of treason, and the union was not accused of genocide.
The Ottoman Armenians sought the same separation from the Ottomans as the confederate states, believing that they would gain independence after the war. Their aspiration was not successful, the Paris Peace Conference did not give them independence, but that was their goal. Therefore, I do not believe, based on the Armenian arguments, that there is evidence that the Turks intended to destroy the Armenians because they were Armenians. The massacre was because Armenians united with Turkish enemies during the war, their aspiration was a political independence. When the genocide convention was being drafted, the destruction of the group because of its political approach was considered as a forbidden category, but it was rejected. This means that massacres (I am not saying there were no other violations of the law) for political purposes, such as independence, are clearly not genocide.
So, what are Turkey’s options, how it should continue to act and respond legally?
I believe that there is a possibility that Turkey could immediately go to the International Court of Justice on Article 9 itself, saying that we are offended by false accusations of genocide, and present excusing arguments. Armenia did have a chance to file its case that it was genocide. In that case, we would have already had a legally resolved issue that could be removed from politics.
Bruce Fein, former legal adviser to US President Ronald Reagan, and US President Joe Biden
It is clear that Armenians are well adapted to maneuver in the American political system. Tilt politicians to their side with gifts and other means. If you stay in the political atmosphere, without an impartial tribunal Turkey’s chances are very slim. This can be corrected. I work with a group in the United States called the Turkish Anti-defamation Alliance. It is trying to create an educational program about what the genocide law is, what the Armenian accusations are. To present a case that is systematic, rejecting weak arguments, such as: Armenians were slaughtered because they are Armenians, and rejecting the fact that they were enemies seeking political independence.
The reason for trusting going to court, is the nearest tribunal that has ruled on this issue – the European Court of Human Rights, of which Armenia is a member and Turkey is not. The court said there was never a proven Armenian genocide. This is a historical issue that cannot be answered definitively. And that’s what I suggest you consider. It has been in the political space for too long. These issues of genocide must be dealt by the international court of justice, not in the corridors of politics, because there are always hidden motives.
What will Lithuanian Deputy Foreign Minister Mantas Adomėnas answer to these arguments of Bruce Fein? Maybe these arguments are unknown to M.Adomėnas? How will Lithuanian Minister G. Landsbergis behave if Turkey refuses to protect the air space of the Baltic States with its fighter jets after M. Adomėnas’ voyage, to send its troops to defend the Baltic States from a possible Russian invasion?
Every year, on the eve of 24 April, disputes start how the West should commemorate the tragic events of 1915, when many Armenian people died in then Ottoman Empire.
It was very curious to hear, what the new US President Joe Biden would do. Biden’s predecessor republican Donald Trump avoided word ‘genocide’ in his statements on 1915 events. Barack Obama, in whose administration Biden was a Vice President, also did not use this definition.
Unfortunately, US President Biden yesterday, according to Armenian press, officially called the wars of 1915 as ‘genocide’. This statement is not binding, it is just a declaration. And it is a strange step by the 46th US President.
History is not politics. It is impossible to understand historical events by throwing out political statements. It is stupid and primitive to search who was right then, by voting in the Congress, the Senate or the White House. There is only one way to learn history – carefully study it in archives. Today’s situation is this: US congressmen and senators really do not know, what, how and why happened in 1915 between Turks and Armenians in the lands of the Ottoman Empire. Official Yerevan is to be blamed the most for the fact that the world still does not know the real truth about 1915. Yes, Armenia, unlike Turkey, still keeps its archives of this painful topic classified. Armenia did not respond to Turkey’s urges to all interested countries to unlock their archives, carefully review them and then sit at a round table and discuss all nuances and details. So, it will only be possible to say who shot, killed, starved when US historians will have a possibility to review Armenian archives (Turkish archives, as I have told, are open).
So, Biden’s hurry to make categorical conclusions without knowing the Armenian archives is a fateful mistake. Biden’s hurry to indulge Yerevan shows not the 46th US President’s morals, sensitivity, but his weakness and primitivity by succumbing to large lobbying influences. There are many Armenian lobby organizations in Washington, and he shamefully succumbed to them. If Biden cared about truth and justice, one question would have been enough for him: does America know what secrets Armenia hides in its archives? Hearing the answer about locked doors of Armenian archives, the principled President must have responded: until Yerevan opens its old manuscripts, there will not be an official statement by Washington.
Bruce Fein
Finally, before making strong statements, Biden should have asked what former law advisor of US President Ronald Reagan, Bruce Fein thought about this. This advisor of President Reagan has many times publicly stated that the White House has tried to carefully analyze the issue of ‘Armenian genocide’ using available information. This is his conclusion, which today is reminded by a publication Turkiye and Caucasus Online: ‘If the archives are opened, Armenians will have to apologize for misleading the world’.
In my opinion, Armenian researcher, historian, author of the book ‘Israel Ori. Pandora’s chest’ Philip Ekozians has the most sober view of the Armenian tragedy of 1915. Here is his comment, which he gave to on January 20th, 2020:
‘The fight for recognition of ‘genocide’ is not a fight for the victory of justice. It is a fight to change one definition to another: calling the tragedy of all nations of the Ottoman Empire as genocide of one Armenian nation. It is clear to a smart person, that in such conditions, when the Ottoman Empire was fighting on several fronts, when there were several outbreaks of civic confrontation inside the country, which rose because of both religious and national reasons, it was very difficult to record this sad statistics, which today is manipulated by ‘victims of genocide’ (saying ‘victims of genocide’ I mean, of course, not those who were killed, God rest their souls, but those who today are trying to get financial and moral ‘royalties’ for their deaths). It is obvious, that today it is impossible to clearly uncover, what exactly happened in every city, every village, every part of the front. Does any one of us understand: who is killing whom and why in Iraq and Libya? Today we are using satellite connections, internet, media, video records, we have thousands of professional journalists working in hot spots. And we still cannot doubtlessly answer these questions. What to say about a hundred years old events!’.
Philip Ekozians
Balanced opinion of official Ankara is also worth attention: ‘Turkish Government recognizes the fact of the mass killing of Armenians, but stands against the use of term ‘genocide’ and states that the number of victims, claimed by Armenia, is too high. According to Ankara, Armenian deaths were not a result of a purposeful government policy, but the outcome of the civil war in the Ottoman Empire, which claimed Turks as victims as well’.
Unfortunately, official Washington spat at all arguments of Armenia’s opponents. And at the same time opened the famous Pandora’s chest. What do I mean? They not only drove away their NATO ally Turkey, but also set against themselves millions of Muslims across the world, also gave a right to their big and small critics to constantly ask: how should destruction of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki be called, how should we call wars in Vietnam, Iraq or Serbia’s bombings? Even attacks against red-skinned Americans could be remembered.
Joe Biden. EPA – ELTA foto
Another question by America’s opponents is also possible: is it worth to blindly believe every word of Washington, if the previous US President guaranteed territorial integrity to Ukraine with his signature in exchange for ‘giving up nuclear bombs’ and later US President forgot this public and solemn obligation?
Today I would like to ask: what is journalism worth if it does not seek the truth? What are photo reports worth if their authors are not interested in justice? This journalistic activity is not only useless, it is dangerous. It can lead you down the wrong path: oppose countries, cause new military clashes, hurt a victim, provoke the aggressor to perform new attacks …
Is this path justified?
I do agree: sometimes it is difficult to find the truth, sometimes it is unsightly. But if one does not consciously strive for it, and even is proud of this – such a person is difficult for me to understand.
This bewilderment is addressed to the photojournalist Vidmantas Balkunas, who published “Letters from Nagorno-Karabakh” on the website On his page on the social network, this journalist, who has traveled a lot around the world and published valuable pictures, writes: “Perhaps that is why I never try to find out which side is right and which is not. And more often than not, there is no right answer. It is important for me to show how people who have fallen into this whirlpool live (…). Geopolitics is definitely not my sphere. (…) And therefore, it is difficult for me to understand people who, being thousands of kilometers from the war, broadcast their truth and explain who is right and who is wrong. ” This is how V. Balkunas philosophizes in social networks. And this is his right, his will. Moreover, V. Balkunas is really courageous – it is dangerous in Nagorno-Karabakh in nowadays.
Vidmantas Balkunas, who published “Letters from Nagorno-Karabakh”
But what is this courage for? It is illegal to travel to Nagorno-Karabakh from Armenia and with an Armenian visa. Moreover, it is illegal from any point of view – Lithuania, the EU, NATO, the UN. International community considers Nagorno-Karabakh to be the territory of Azerbaijan. Even Armenia does not recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as its own territory. Therefore, every educated journalist must understand that if he wants to travel to Nagorno-Karabakh, he must obtain an Azerbaijani visa. If you are flying to Armenia, of course, you do not need an Azerbaijani visa. But if you go to Nagorno-Karabakh, you must get an Azerbaijani stamp in your passport, despite all the assurances of the Armenians that Nagorno-Karabakh is an ethnic Armenian territory.
By the way, Azerbaijan would hardly bless V. Balkunas’s trip to the Black Garden (this is how the name “Karabakh” is translated into Russian). Because if official Baku approved this visit, the journalist would most likely not have been admitted by Armenia, which controls Nagorno-Karabakh. Figuratively speaking, they would consider him a spy of Azerbaijan.
This is an important fact. In my opinion, if we do not follow the rules that secure respect for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan (including Nagorno-Karabakh), real chaos may ensue, because there will be states that disregard, for example, the fact that Vilnius or Klaipeda regions belongs to Lithuania. Does Lithuania have the right to condemn Western and Russian singers, journalists, politicians who illegally, without the consent of Kiev, Chisinau or Tbilisi, travel to the occupied Crimea, Transnistria or South Abkhazia? We have our own „travelers” who do not know what respect for international rules that have legalized the borders between states is.
Guilt of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania
The fact that there are strange „tourists” in Lithuania is a huge fault of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, which until now officially, publicly, has not clearly stated that it is not recommended to travel to Nagorno-Karabakh with an Armenian visa. It is impossible to prohibit Lithuanian citizens from traveling to Nagorno-Karabakh from Yerevan, and not from Baku. But they must be warned. And it was necessary to do so as soon as the first shots thundered. After all, it could have been predicted that Armenian ambassador Tigran Mkrtchyan, residing in Lithuania, would feverishly seek curious people who would agree to visit suffering Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Our parliamentary Committee on International Affairs, and the leaders of parliamentary friendship groups with Armenia and Azerbaijan, and, ultimately, Lithuanian journalists’ organizations, could have explained to Lithuanian citizens why it is undesirable to travel to Nagorno-Karabakh with the blessing of Armenia. No bans, no threats – just a warning: it is not recommended. By the way, my conscience is clear: back in 2014 in my articles on the I urged not to send Lithuanians to Nagorno-Karabakh from the Armenian side.
If you ask who gave me the right to reproach brave journalists who travel to hot spots, I will answer: I have such a right. I have been working as a journalist for over 35 years and have seen some violent conflicts with my own eyes. Russian-Chechen, Ossetian-Ingush, Georgian-Abkhaz clashes – I saw all this and wrote about all this. But unlike V. Balkunas, I was worried first of all who was right, and not who was louder and more convincingly shouting.
I also cannot be silent, because I am well aware of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict – I have been interested in this topic for more than ten years. I cannot boast that I traveled far and wide across Azerbaijan, but I happened to be in the Khojavend, Terter, Barda regions and witnessed how Azerbaijanis who suffered from the Armenian shelling and who lost their loved ones live there. Most of all, I was shocked by a trip in 2016 to the Terter region – the villages of Gasangaya, Gapanly, Maraga, Shikar, which were subjected to increased artillery shelling. I saw ruined houses there, crippled children, women weeping at graves. I was in Ganja, which recently came under an artillery attack by the Armenians. I can give my head to be cut off – both Armenian and Azerbaijani women have equally clear tears. To make sure that everyone has red blood – both Armenians and Azerbaijanis – it is not necessary to go somewhere.
How many Azerbaijanis live in Yerevan?
Still, the difference between the shelling of Ganja and Nagorno-Karabakh is obvious. Azerbaijan is living in their homes in Ganja, Terter, Hasangay, according to international law, live in their own state – in Azerbaijan. And the Armenians who settled in Nagorno-Karabakh do not live in Armenia. They are located on the territory belonging to Azerbaijan. If they are law-abiding citizens, they should obey Baku.
The opponents of the author of these lines, of course, will argue with foam at the mouth that ethnic Armenians live in Nagorno-Karabakh and that there are no Azerbaijanis there. And it is true. But a journalist who is looking not only for impressive shots, but also for the truth, should ask a question: where did all the Azerbaijanis who lived in Nagorno-Karabakh a few decades ago go? Did they leave of their own will, or were they cynically expelled?
Other inconvenient questions can be asked. For example, where did the Azerbaijani community that lived a hundred years ago in Yerevan disappear? Azerbaijanis in those days constituted the majority in Yerevan – they made about 75% of dwellers. One should be a fool to deny this statistical fact. There is not a single Azerbaijani in Yerevan today. Did they all leave the city of their own free will?
The lesson of Javakheti
And lastly, why does the large Armenian diaspora living in one of the regions of Georgia, Javakhetia, prove today (visit the Armenian portal that this is not a Georgian territory, but an Armenian one and therefore, you see, they need to secede from Georgia and create an independent state?! In Javakhetia a tactic, similar to the one that was tested in Nagorno-Karabakh, is used: they oust the locals, then they begin to propagandize the ideas of separatism more and more loudly and blackmail the Georgian authorities harder: if you do not support Yerevan, you will be punished – you will lose Javakheti.
If a Lithuanian journalist got into Nagorno-Karabakh, he should be worried about all the issues. For example, to what extent do American, French, Russian Armenians help the Armenians to fight the Azerbaijanis? It is obvious that Armenia with its three million population (three times less than in Azerbaijan) lacks soldiers. The fact that Armenian militants of all kinds helped the Armenians to attack Azerbaijan earlier (for example, a certain Monte Melkonyan once arrived in Nagorno-Karabakh from Lebanon; later he died), is not a secret to anyone, this information is accessible to those who looking for answers to all, even uncomfortable questions.
French smoke screen
And the tales that Turkey sends fighters, subordinate to Ankara and Istanbul, from Syria, Lebanon, Kurdish settlements to Azerbaijan to fight the Armenians are complete nonsense. I received this information from Ambassador of Turkey Gokhan Turan, whose residence is in Lithuania. And, by the way, his words sound quite convincing. Azerbaijan really has enough of its own soldiers to conflict with Armenia. If there was China instead of Armenia, then one would believe that Azerbaijan has too few defenders. But is not the case.
Ambassador of Turkey Gokhan Turan. foto
Allegations that all sorts of militants controlled by Turkey are helping Azerbaijanis to offend Christian Armenians are a smokescreen that Yerevan needs to cover up its swindle.
Even French President Emmanuel Macron, who is entangled in Armenian intrigues, needs it today. A large, extremely influential Armenian community lives in France, which the French authorities cannot control. Yerevan via France (and not only via it) is recruiting fighters for the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh front. If everything that the French authorities turned a blind eye to will surface, the French president with his French intelligence and advisers would find himself in an unenviable position. So, the best defense is offense. Therefore, the French authorities began to blame others for what they themselves were to be blamed.
Official Paris makes a gigantic mistake – sooner or later the truth will surface and face the light.
I address these remarks to those who are not satisfied by sensational photographs alone, to those who are looking for the truth.
After every cataclysmic event one tends to think that the world will never be the same. This time it is true that in certain ways the world must change. Global history is laden with such turning points almost all being painful. For years we have been warned that a pandemic could be that cataclysmic. The section of humanity that live amidst raging wars, crises, endemic fragility, state collapse, and human misery could be pardoned for thinking that it could not be worse. Those living in peaceful, prosperous regions could think that nothing could harm them and that they were destined to remain lucky. Yet a pandemic is what it is; no society, no individual can hope to be outside the reach of a deadly virus. We thus distance ourselves from the others, from the blessings of social interactions.
Infections have reached all continents except Antarctica, numbers race towards one million and will surely surpass it, more than a third of humanity is ordered to stay home, and all those lives we have already lost in shocking numbers will be joined by scores of others. The economic toll of this pandemic will also be daunting and can be long term. The impact on existing state fragilities, on politics and security will surely encumber governments around the world. We have yet to see the light at the end of this tunnel and we cannot wait for it. It is a moment of reflection but also leadership and action.
The global system was in tatters even before humanity was struck by the coronavirus. Turkey for one had been making the case that we needed to reform the system. We called it “the world is larger than five” agenda, referring to the outdated composition of the UN Security Council but not stopping there. As a country that had to address unending conflicts and human misery in our close neighbourhood and home to largest refugee population in the world, we have known that the system was not working. In 2008 when the world was struck, that time by the economic pandemic, the G20 was able to bring a sense of direction and thus stability to the faltering world economy. The system had worked then but thanks in large degree to a relatively new global actor. We must brace for a similar massive economic impact this time around as well and make sure that the system works even as we make the necessary patches and replacements.
The top priority is to protect the health and safety of people from COVID-19. We support the timely G20 statement through which the leaders committed to act in solidarity in the fight against the pandemic and safeguard the global economy and unrestricted trade. The extension of SWAP agreements have been among significant measures agreed by the G20. We are happy that our proposal to form a Senior Officials Coordination Group was embraced by the G20 as we need to coordinate closely on issues such as border management and repatriation of citizens. I thank Canada for presenting initial ideas on its modalities. G20 is proving again to be the right format in global crisis management.
Turkey flag
A number of countries are also taking strong individual measures, Turkey included. However, individual efforts would not suffice. A global challenge requires a global response, first on the public health front and then in the economy, and over the long haul in reforming international institutions and the way countries support them. The relevant international institutions should assume an effective role in financial and medical equipment assistance. Protection of fragile communities, irregular migrants and refugees, and support to host countries are even more important now. Global supply networks and cargo transfers must run unhindered. Sanctions as a blunt policy tool must be evaluated from the humanitarian point of view. Many sanctions, including those against Iran hurt only the Iranian people but also their neighbours. At a time of a pandemic this risk is even higher. Developing and least developed countries, notably in Africa must not be left behind.
A cross cutting theme in the much needed global response is ending the conflicts that exact very heavy toll on the humans, ecosystem, economy and our conscience. We therefore call on the international community to step down in all conflicts, cease hostilities, and search earnestly for dialogue and reconciliation including in the Middle East. Geopolitical competitions and political grievances make little sense when the world is fighting for its very health and know that everyone suffers. This call cannot go unheeded if we all take a moment to support it worldwide.
This generation of leaders are in fact defining the future of the world order by the decisions they take today with regard to the pandemic. The seeds we sow today will soon confront us as full blown realities. The reality of a rules-based global system, a network of functioning nation states that are resilient and accountable, economies that leave no one behind and benefit all, supported by fit-for-purpose international organizations, all focusing on the well-being of the people irrespective of their nationality, faith or race can be within reach. Because the alternative quests are not meaningful even harmful to the common good. And thus there may be an upside legacy of this pandemic, notwithstanding all the pain it has been causing, if we all choose to make it happen. Stay home and safe.
Article by H.E. Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu published in The Washington Times titled “What We Do Today Will Define Tomorrow”, 2 April 2020 skelbia Eurazijos studijų centro vyresniojo analitiko, mokslų daktaro Turgut Kerem Tuncel pranešimą dėl tragiškų 1915-ųjų metų įvykių tuometinėje Osmanų imperijoje. Mokslininkas pateikia Turkijos poziciją.
Tai – 2-oji teksto, perskaityto 2019 metų gruodžio 13-ąją Vilniuje, dalis. Pranešimas išdėstytas anglų kalba.
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Such statements do exist. Usually Armenian Diaspora states that in 1915 during WWI the Ottoman army killed a lot of Armenians. In 1915 the Ottoman Empire was in war with tsarist Russia. When the Ottoman army attacked the Russian army in the Easter territories of the present Turkey, Russians equipped Armenians living in these territories. Armenians lived in the whole territory of the Empire, but those living in the Eastern part, were equipped by Russians and attacked the Ottoman army from the rear. That is why the Ottoman government was forced to take certain measures and deport those Armenians to Southern Anatolia so army can be safe from the rear. During this deportation some Armenians perished, because of battles with Armenian militia and clashes with the local people or because of severe climate conditions of Eastern Turkey. I can add, that in those days less than 1,5 million Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire. Scientists, who analyzed the data of those days, state that about 300 thousand Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire. It is unclear, why the number of perished is 1,5 million, when only 300 thousand lived in the Empires territory. To my point of view, these statements are not right. It may be also added, that during those military attacks 200 thousand Turks living in the Ottoman Empire perished as well as Armenians did. A lot of people were killed during sporadic clashes with Armenians, because of hostility between Armenians and the local people of Eastern Turkey. Both sides – Turks and Armenians – lost a lot of their people, though it is not right to declare that 1,5 million Armenians perished. Armenians were not treated they way it is stated.